Monday, June 13, 2011

Looks Like a Musky to Me!

Today was my second day of practice for the FLW Event on Kentucky Lake. It was a beautiful day, but still hanging in the low 90's.

Barge on Kentucky Lake

I caught a fish today that I swear looked like small Musky, even though the Tennessee DNR says there are none in this lake. 

Still slowly putting the pieces together. Like I said before, It's a big lake!


  1. Looks like a Musky to me! (Or Fusky, as we call them at the Caesar's Creek TNTs! lol)

  2. It is a chain pickerel. We call em "redneck Pike" in Mississippi.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good luck Joe! Looks like a musky.

  5. I don't know what it is but I wouldn't want to grab it by the mouth ! Look at those teeth!

  6. There are pore counts you should have done to tell for sure. On the underside of the jaw. There could be muskie, someone might have illegally dumped a few in.

  7. It's a bit tough to see the markings on the side, but I would say you either have a young northern pike or a chain pickerel. Now go catch some bass!


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